Uses of Interface

Packages that use ResourcePreProcessor

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.http

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.http that return types with arguments of type ResourcePreProcessor
protected  List<ResourcePreProcessor> LessCssFilter.getProcessorsList()
protected  List<ResourcePreProcessor> CoffeeScriptFilter.getProcessorsList()

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor that implement ResourcePreProcessor
 class PathPatternProcessorDecorator
          A ProcessorDecorator with Ant path style support.

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor.css

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor.css that implement ResourcePreProcessor
 class BourbonCssProcessor
          A processor to support the bourbon ( mixins library for sass.
 class CssLintProcessor
          Processor which analyze the css code and warns you found problems.
 class Less4jProcessor
          Yet another processor which compiles less to css.
 class LessCssProcessor
          Similar to RhinoLessCssProcessor but will prefer using NodeLessCssProcessor if it is supported and will fallback to rhino based processor.
 class NodeLessCssProcessor
          Important node: this processor is not cross platform and has some pre-requesites in order to work.
 class RhinoLessCssProcessor
          A processor using lessCss engine: @see
 class RubySassCssProcessor
          A processor using the ruby sass engine:
 class SassCssProcessor
          A processor using sass engine:
 class YUICssCompressorProcessor

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor.css that return ResourcePreProcessor
protected  ResourcePreProcessor LessCssProcessor.createFallbackProcessor()
          Lazily initialize the rhinoProcessor.
protected  ResourcePreProcessor LessCssProcessor.createNodeProcessor()

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor.js

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor.js that implement ResourcePreProcessor
 class AbstractLinterProcessor
          Processor which analyze the js code and warns you about any problems.
 class AbstractNodeWithFallbackProcessor
          An abstract processor which should be extended by processors which can provide both: node & a fallback (usually rhino) implementation of processor.
 class BeautifyJsProcessor
          Perform a beautify operation on javascript by nicely formatting it.
 class CJsonProcessor
          A processor using cjson compression algorithm:
 class CoffeeScriptProcessor
          Similar to RhinoCoffeeScriptProcessor but will prefer using NodeCoffeeScriptProcessor if it is supported and will fallback to rhino based processor.
 class DojoShrinksafeCompressorProcessor
          Compresses javascript code using compressor implemented by Dojo Shrinksafe utility.
 class DustJsProcessor
          A processor for dustJs template framework.
 class EmberJsProcessor
          Compiles EmberJS templates to javascript.
 class GoogleClosureCompressorProcessor
          Uses Google closure compiler for js minimization.
 class HandlebarsJsProcessor
          Compiles HandlebarsJS templates to javascript.
 class HoganJsProcessor
          A processor for hogan.js template framework.
 class JsHintProcessor
          Processor which analyze the js code and warns you about any problems.
 class JsLintProcessor
          Processor which analyze the js code and warns you about any problems.
 class JsonHPackProcessor
          A processor using json.hpack compression algorithm: @see
 class JsTemplateCompilerProcessor
          A base class for template processors like: dustJS or hoganJS.
 class NodeCoffeeScriptProcessor
          Important node: this processor is not cross platform and has some pre-requesites in order to work.
 class NodeTypeScriptProcessor
          Important node: this processor is not cross platform and has some pre-requesites in order to work.
 class PackerJsProcessor
          Uses Dean Edwards packer utility to pack js resources.
 class RhinoCoffeeScriptProcessor
          Uses coffee script to compile to javascript code.
 class RhinoTypeScriptProcessor
          Compiles TypeScript into javascript in a cross platform manner.
 class TypeScriptProcessor
          Similar to RhinoTypeScriptProcessor but will prefer using NodeTypeScriptProcessor if it is supported and will fallback to rhino based processor.
 class UglifyJsProcessor
          Compress js using uglifyJs utility.

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor.js that return ResourcePreProcessor
protected  ResourcePreProcessor TypeScriptProcessor.createFallbackProcessor()
          Lazily initialize the rhinoProcessor.
protected  ResourcePreProcessor CoffeeScriptProcessor.createFallbackProcessor()
          Lazily initialize the rhinoProcessor.
protected abstract  ResourcePreProcessor AbstractNodeWithFallbackProcessor.createFallbackProcessor()
          Lazily initialize the rhinoProcessor.
protected  ResourcePreProcessor TypeScriptProcessor.createNodeProcessor()
protected  ResourcePreProcessor CoffeeScriptProcessor.createNodeProcessor()
protected abstract  ResourcePreProcessor AbstractNodeWithFallbackProcessor.createNodeProcessor()

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ResourcePreProcessor
 Map<String,ResourcePreProcessor> DefaultProcessorProvider.providePreProcessors()

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ResourcePreProcessor
 Map<String,ResourcePreProcessor> DefaultConfigurableProvider.providePreProcessors()

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ResourcePreProcessor
protected abstract  List<ResourcePreProcessor> AbstractProcessorsFilter.getProcessorsList()

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in ro.isdc.wro.manager.factory

Method parameters in ro.isdc.wro.manager.factory with type arguments of type ResourcePreProcessor
protected  void ConfigurableWroManagerFactory.contributePreProcessors(Map<String,ResourcePreProcessor> map)
          Allow subclasses to contribute with it's own pre processors.

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in ro.isdc.wro.maven.plugin

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.maven.plugin that return ResourcePreProcessor
protected  ResourcePreProcessor JsLintMojo.createResourceProcessor()
protected  ResourcePreProcessor JsHintMojo.createResourceProcessor()
protected  ResourcePreProcessor CssLintMojo.createResourceProcessor()
protected abstract  ResourcePreProcessor AbstractSingleProcessorMojo.createResourceProcessor()

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.decorator

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.decorator that implement ResourcePreProcessor
 class AbstractProcessorDecorator
          Deprecated. use ProcessorDecorator instead.
 class AbstractProcessorDecoratorSupport<T>
          Hides details common to all processors decorators, like ability to identify if a processor is minimize aware
 class BenchmarkProcessorDecorator
          A decorator responsible for tracking the time spent with processing.
 class CopyrightKeeperProcessorDecorator
          Inspects the resource for copyright (licence) header and inserts them back if the decorated processor removes them.
 class DefaultProcessorDecorator
          Decorates the processor with a set of common useful decorators during each processing.
 class ExceptionHandlingProcessorDecorator
          Responsible for handling exception thrown by decorated processor.
 class ExtensionsAwareProcessorDecorator
          Enforce decorated processors to be applied only on predefined extension.
 class ImportAwareProcessorDecorator
          Check if the decorated processor is considered import aware.
 class LazyProcessorDecorator
          Decorates a LazyInitializer which creates a processor.
 class MinimizeAwareProcessorDecorator
          Enhance the decorated processor with the ability to skip processing based on minimize aware state of the processor.
 class ProcessorDecorator
          Default implementation which can decorate a processor.
 class SupportAwareProcessorDecorator
          Check if the decorated processor implements SupportAware interface and throws the WroRuntimeException with specific message when processor is not supported.

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.decorator with parameters of type ResourcePreProcessor
static ExtensionsAwareProcessorDecorator ExtensionsAwareProcessorDecorator.decorate(ResourcePreProcessor preProcessor)
static CopyrightKeeperProcessorDecorator CopyrightKeeperProcessorDecorator.decorate(ResourcePreProcessor preProcessor)

Constructors in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.decorator with parameters of type ResourcePreProcessor
AbstractProcessorDecorator(ResourcePreProcessor preProcessor)

Constructor parameters in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.decorator with type arguments of type ResourcePreProcessor
LazyProcessorDecorator(LazyInitializer<ResourcePreProcessor> processor)

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.factory

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.factory that return types with arguments of type ResourcePreProcessor
 Collection<ResourcePreProcessor> SimpleProcessorsFactory.getPreProcessors()
 Collection<ResourcePreProcessor> ProcessorsFactory.getPreProcessors()
 Collection<ResourcePreProcessor> ConfigurableProcessorsFactory.getPreProcessors()
protected  Map<String,ResourcePreProcessor> ConfigurableProcessorsFactory.getPreProcessorStrategies(ProcessorProvider provider)
protected  Map<String,ResourcePreProcessor> ConfigurableProcessorsFactory.newPreProcessorsMap()
          By default the processor will be discovered using ServiceRegistry pattern (by inspecting META-INF/services folder of each dependency).

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.factory with parameters of type ResourcePreProcessor
 SimpleProcessorsFactory SimpleProcessorsFactory.addPreProcessor(ResourcePreProcessor processor)
          Add a ResourcePreProcessor.

Method parameters in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.factory with type arguments of type ResourcePreProcessor
 ConfigurableProcessorsFactory ConfigurableProcessorsFactory.setPreProcessorsMap(Map<String,ResourcePreProcessor> map)
 void SimpleProcessorsFactory.setResourcePreProcessors(Collection<ResourcePreProcessor> processors)

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.impl

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.impl that implement ResourcePreProcessor
 class CommentStripperProcessor
 class MultiLineCommentStripperProcessor
          Removes multi line comments from processed resource.
 class PlaceholderProcessor
          A processor which parse a resource and search for placeholders of this type: ${} and replace them with the values found in a map provided the by client.
 class SingleLineCommentStripperProcessor
          SingleLineCommentStripperProcessor can be both: preProcessor & postProcessor.

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.impl.css

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.impl.css that implement ResourcePreProcessor
 class AbstractCssImportPreProcessor
          CssImport Processor responsible for handling css @import statement.
 class AbstractCssUrlRewritingProcessor
          A processor responsible for rewriting url's from inside the css resources.
 class ConformColorsCssProcessor
          A processor which transform all colors to #rgb format.
 class CssCompressorProcessor
          A processor implementation using CssCompressor algorithm.
 class CssDataUriPreProcessor
          Rewrites background images by replacing the url with data uri of the image.
 class CssImportPreProcessor
          CssImport Processor responsible for handling css @import statement.
 class CssMinProcessor
          A processor implementation using CSSMin algorithm.
 class CssUrlRewritingProcessor
          Note: When used together with CssImportPreProcessor, the CssUrlRewritingProcessor should come first, otherwise it will produce wrong results.
 class CssVariablesProcessor
          Processor of css resources, responsible for replacing variables.
 class DuplicatesAwareCssDataUriPreProcessor
          Similar to CssDataUriPreProcessor which instead of replacing a url blindly with dataUri, is is smart enough to detect duplicated image url and avoid replacing it with dataUri.
 class FallbackCssDataUriProcessor
          Preserves the original css uri along with the new one.
 class JawrCssMinifierProcessor
          A processor implementation using JawrCssMinifier algorithm.
 class LessCssImportPreProcessor
          A processor capable of handling LessCss imports
 class VariablizeColorsCssProcessor

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.impl.js

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.impl.js that implement ResourcePreProcessor
 class ConsoleStripperProcessor
          A preProcessor, responsible for removing console.log(..) and console.debug(..) statements.
 class JSMinProcessor
          Use JSMin utility for js compression.
 class SemicolonAppenderPreProcessor
          A preProcessor, responsible for adding a ';' character to the end of each js file.

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ResourcePreProcessor
 Map<String,ResourcePreProcessor> ProcessorProvider.providePreProcessors()
 Map<String,ResourcePreProcessor> DefaultProcessorProvider.providePreProcessors()

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in ro.isdc.wro.util

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.util with parameters of type ResourcePreProcessor
static void WroTestUtils.assertProcessorSupportResourceTypes(ResourcePreProcessor processor, ResourceType... expectedResourceTypes)
          Asserts that a processor supports provided resource types.
static void WroTestUtils.compareFromDifferentFolders(File sourceFolder, File targetFolder, ResourcePreProcessor processor)
          Process and compare all the files from the sourceFolder and compare them with the files from the targetFolder.
static void WroTestUtils.compareFromDifferentFoldersByExtension(File sourceFolder, File targetFolder, String extension, ResourcePreProcessor processor)
static void WroTestUtils.compareFromSameFolder(File sourceFolder, sourceFileFilter, Transformer<String> toTargetFileName, ResourcePreProcessor processor)
static void WroTestUtils.initProcessor(ResourcePreProcessor processor)
static ResourcePostProcessor WroUtil.newResourceProcessor(Resource resource, ResourcePreProcessor preProcessor)
          A factory method for creating a ResourceProcessor based on provided ResourcePreProcessor.

Uses of ResourcePreProcessor in ro.isdc.wro.util.provider

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.util.provider that return types with arguments of type ResourcePreProcessor
 Map<String,ResourcePreProcessor> DefaultConfigurableProvider.providePreProcessors()
 Map<String,ResourcePreProcessor> ConfigurableProviderSupport.providePreProcessors()

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