Package ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.impl.css

Class Summary
AbstractCssImportPreProcessor CssImport Processor responsible for handling css @import statement.
AbstractCssUrlRewritingProcessor A processor responsible for rewriting url's from inside the css resources.
ConformColorsCssProcessor A processor which transform all colors to #rgb format.
CssCompressorProcessor A processor implementation using CssCompressor algorithm.
CssDataUriPreProcessor Rewrites background images by replacing the url with data uri of the image.
CssImportPreProcessor CssImport Processor responsible for handling css @import statement.
CssMinProcessor A processor implementation using CSSMin algorithm.
CssUrlRewritingProcessor Note: When used together with CssImportPreProcessor, the CssUrlRewritingProcessor should come first, otherwise it will produce wrong results.
CssVariablesProcessor Processor of css resources, responsible for replacing variables.
DuplicatesAwareCssDataUriPreProcessor Similar to CssDataUriPreProcessor which instead of replacing a url blindly with dataUri, is is smart enough to detect duplicated image url and avoid replacing it with dataUri.
FallbackCssDataUriProcessor Preserves the original css uri along with the new one.
JawrCssMinifierProcessor A processor implementation using JawrCssMinifier algorithm.
LessCssImportPreProcessor A processor capable of handling LessCss imports

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