Package ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor.js

Class Summary
AbstractLinterProcessor Processor which analyze the js code and warns you about any problems.
AbstractNodeWithFallbackProcessor An abstract processor which should be extended by processors which can provide both: node & a fallback (usually rhino) implementation of processor.
BeautifyJsProcessor Perform a beautify operation on javascript by nicely formatting it.
CJsonProcessor A processor using cjson compression algorithm:
CoffeeScriptProcessor Similar to RhinoCoffeeScriptProcessor but will prefer using NodeCoffeeScriptProcessor if it is supported and will fallback to rhino based processor.
DojoShrinksafeCompressorProcessor Compresses javascript code using compressor implemented by Dojo Shrinksafe utility.
DustJsProcessor A processor for dustJs template framework.
EmberJsProcessor Compiles EmberJS templates to javascript.
GoogleClosureCompressorProcessor Uses Google closure compiler for js minimization.
HandlebarsJsProcessor Compiles HandlebarsJS templates to javascript.
HoganJsProcessor A processor for hogan.js template framework.
JsHintProcessor Processor which analyze the js code and warns you about any problems.
JsLintProcessor Processor which analyze the js code and warns you about any problems.
JsonHPackProcessor A processor using json.hpack compression algorithm: @see
JsTemplateCompilerProcessor A base class for template processors like: dustJS or hoganJS.
NodeCoffeeScriptProcessor Important node: this processor is not cross platform and has some pre-requesites in order to work.
NodeTypeScriptProcessor Important node: this processor is not cross platform and has some pre-requesites in order to work.
PackerJsProcessor Uses Dean Edwards packer utility to pack js resources.
RhinoCoffeeScriptProcessor Uses coffee script to compile to javascript code.
RhinoTypeScriptProcessor Compiles TypeScript into javascript in a cross platform manner.
TypeScriptProcessor Similar to RhinoTypeScriptProcessor but will prefer using NodeTypeScriptProcessor if it is supported and will fallback to rhino based processor.
UglifyJsProcessor Compress js using uglifyJs utility.

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