Uses of Class

Packages that use SupportedResourceType

Uses of SupportedResourceType in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor.css

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor.css with annotations of type SupportedResourceType
 class CssLintProcessor
          Processor which analyze the css code and warns you found problems.
 class Less4jProcessor
          Yet another processor which compiles less to css.
 class LessCssProcessor
          Similar to RhinoLessCssProcessor but will prefer using NodeLessCssProcessor if it is supported and will fallback to rhino based processor.
 class NodeLessCssProcessor
          Important node: this processor is not cross platform and has some pre-requesites in order to work.
 class RhinoLessCssProcessor
          A processor using lessCss engine: @see
 class RubySassCssProcessor
          A processor using the ruby sass engine:
 class SassCssProcessor
          A processor using sass engine:
 class YUICssCompressorProcessor

Uses of SupportedResourceType in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor.js

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor.js with annotations of type SupportedResourceType
 class AbstractLinterProcessor
          Processor which analyze the js code and warns you about any problems.
 class BeautifyJsProcessor
          Perform a beautify operation on javascript by nicely formatting it.
 class CJsonProcessor
          A processor using cjson compression algorithm:
 class CoffeeScriptProcessor
          Similar to RhinoCoffeeScriptProcessor but will prefer using NodeCoffeeScriptProcessor if it is supported and will fallback to rhino based processor.
 class DojoShrinksafeCompressorProcessor
          Compresses javascript code using compressor implemented by Dojo Shrinksafe utility.
 class DustJsProcessor
          A processor for dustJs template framework.
 class EmberJsProcessor
          Compiles EmberJS templates to javascript.
 class GoogleClosureCompressorProcessor
          Uses Google closure compiler for js minimization.
 class HandlebarsJsProcessor
          Compiles HandlebarsJS templates to javascript.
 class HoganJsProcessor
          A processor for hogan.js template framework.
 class JsHintProcessor
          Processor which analyze the js code and warns you about any problems.
 class JsLintProcessor
          Processor which analyze the js code and warns you about any problems.
 class JsonHPackProcessor
          A processor using json.hpack compression algorithm: @see
 class NodeCoffeeScriptProcessor
          Important node: this processor is not cross platform and has some pre-requesites in order to work.
 class NodeTypeScriptProcessor
          Important node: this processor is not cross platform and has some pre-requesites in order to work.
 class PackerJsProcessor
          Uses Dean Edwards packer utility to pack js resources.
 class RhinoCoffeeScriptProcessor
          Uses coffee script to compile to javascript code.
 class RhinoTypeScriptProcessor
          Compiles TypeScript into javascript in a cross platform manner.
 class TypeScriptProcessor
          Similar to RhinoTypeScriptProcessor but will prefer using NodeTypeScriptProcessor if it is supported and will fallback to rhino based processor.
 class UglifyJsProcessor
          Compress js using uglifyJs utility.

Uses of SupportedResourceType in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor that return SupportedResourceType
 SupportedResourceType SupportedResourceTypeAware.getSupportedResourceType()

Uses of SupportedResourceType in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.decorator

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.decorator that return SupportedResourceType
 SupportedResourceType LazyProcessorDecorator.getSupportedResourceType()
 SupportedResourceType AbstractProcessorDecoratorSupport.getSupportedResourceType()
          This method is final, because it intends to preserve the getSupportedResourceType flag of the decorated processor.
protected  SupportedResourceType AbstractProcessorDecoratorSupport.getSupportedResourceTypeInternal()
          Allow subclass override the way getSupportedResourceType is used.

Uses of SupportedResourceType in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.impl.css

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.impl.css with annotations of type SupportedResourceType
 class AbstractCssImportPreProcessor
          CssImport Processor responsible for handling css @import statement.
 class AbstractCssUrlRewritingProcessor
          A processor responsible for rewriting url's from inside the css resources.
 class ConformColorsCssProcessor
          A processor which transform all colors to #rgb format.
 class CssCompressorProcessor
          A processor implementation using CssCompressor algorithm.
 class CssImportPreProcessor
          CssImport Processor responsible for handling css @import statement.
 class CssMinProcessor
          A processor implementation using CSSMin algorithm.
 class CssVariablesProcessor
          Processor of css resources, responsible for replacing variables.
 class JawrCssMinifierProcessor
          A processor implementation using JawrCssMinifier algorithm.
 class VariablizeColorsCssProcessor

Uses of SupportedResourceType in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.impl.js

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.impl.js with annotations of type SupportedResourceType
 class ConsoleStripperProcessor
          A preProcessor, responsible for removing console.log(..) and console.debug(..) statements.
 class JSMinProcessor
          Use JSMin utility for js compression.
 class SemicolonAppenderPreProcessor
          A preProcessor, responsible for adding a ';' character to the end of each js file.

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