Uses of Interface

Packages that use ObjectFactory

Uses of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.config.factory

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.config.factory that implement ObjectFactory
 class FilterConfigWroConfigurationFactory
          This factory retrieve wroConfigurations from FilterConfig.
 class PropertiesAndFilterConfigWroConfigurationFactory
          Uses a default Properties file location (under /WEB-INF/ for creating WroConfiguration and overrides them with properties defined in FilterConfig object.
 class PropertyWroConfigurationFactory
          Loads configurations from a Properties object.
 class ServletContextPropertyWroConfigurationFactory
          Load WroConfiguration from a servletContext relative location.

Uses of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.config.metadata

Subinterfaces of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.config.metadata
 interface MetaDataFactory
          Factory responsible for creating/providing metadata.

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.config.metadata that implement ObjectFactory
 class DefaultMetaDataFactory
          Default implementation of MetaDataFactory which returns always a map created during construction.

Uses of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.manager

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.manager that implement ObjectFactory
 class ExtensionsConfigurableWroManagerFactory
          Deprecated. Use ConfigurableWroManagerFactory instead.

Uses of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.manager.standalone

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.manager.standalone that implement ObjectFactory
 class ExtensionsStandaloneManagerFactory
          This factory uses the SmartWroModelFactory and it is recommended to be used as the default one when possible.
 class FingerprintAwareStandaloneManagerFactory
          An implementation of WroModelFactory which uses HashEncoderNamingStrategy for encoding the result file name.
 class GoogleAdvancedStandaloneManagerFactory
          A factory using google closure compressor with advanced compilation level for processing resources.
 class GoogleStandaloneManagerFactory
          A factory using google closure compressor for processing resources.

Uses of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.model.factory

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.model.factory that implement ObjectFactory
 class GroovyModelFactory
          Creates WroModel from a groovy DSL.
 class JsonModelFactory
          TODO: validate duplicate groups & null resource type

Creates WroModel from a json.

 class SmartWroModelFactory
          When used, this factory will make it possible to migrate easily from xml to groovy (or json) DSL seamlessly.

Uses of ObjectFactory in

Methods in with parameters of type ObjectFactory
protected  org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool<T> ObjectPoolHelper.newObjectPool(ObjectFactory<T> objectFactory)
          Creates a GenericObjectPool.

Constructors in with parameters of type ObjectFactory
ObjectPoolHelper(ObjectFactory<T> objectFactory)

Uses of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.http

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.http that return ObjectFactory
protected  ObjectFactory<WroConfiguration> WroFilter.newWroConfigurationFactory(javax.servlet.FilterConfig filterConfig)
protected  ObjectFactory<WroConfiguration> ConfigurableWroFilter.newWroConfigurationFactory(javax.servlet.FilterConfig filterConfig)

Uses of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.http.handler.factory

Subinterfaces of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.http.handler.factory
 interface RequestHandlerFactory
          Responsible for creating a RequestHandler's collection.

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.http.handler.factory that implement ObjectFactory
 class ConfigurableRequestHandlerFactory
          A RequestHandler implementation which is easy to configure using a Properties object.
 class DefaultRequestHandlerFactory
          Default RequestHandlerFactory which adds all RequestHandler's provided as spi by RequestHandlerProvider found in classpath.
 class SimpleRequestHandlerFactory
          A RequestHandlerFactory which holds RequestHandler's in a list.

Uses of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.manager

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.manager with parameters of type ObjectFactory
 void WroManager.registerCallback(ObjectFactory<LifecycleCallback> callbackFactory)
          Registers a callback.

Uses of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.manager.callback

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.manager.callback with parameters of type ObjectFactory
 void LifecycleCallbackRegistry.registerCallback(ObjectFactory<LifecycleCallback> callbackFactory)
          Register a callback using a factory responsible for callback instantiation.

Uses of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.manager.factory

Subinterfaces of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.manager.factory
 interface WroManagerFactory
          Factory used to create WroManager objects.

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.manager.factory that implement ObjectFactory
 class BaseWroManagerFactory
          Default implementation of WroManagerFactory which creates default locators and processors and handles the injection logic by creating an Injector and injecting where it is appropriate.
 class ConfigurableWroManagerFactory
          Allow configuring uriLocators & processors to add using initParams of the filter.
 class DefaultWroManagerFactory
          Load the WroManagerFactory configured in WroConfiguration or loads a default one if none is configured.
 class InjectableWroManagerFactoryDecorator
          Deprecated. Not required anymore. The WroManager objects are injected in WroManager.Builder during initialization. This class with be removed in 1.7.0.
 class NoProcessorsWroManagerFactory
          An implementation with no processors set.
 class SimpleWroManagerFactory
          Always returns the same instance of WroManager.
 class WroManagerFactoryDecorator
          Simple decorator for WroManagerFactory.

Uses of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.manager.factory.standalone

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.manager.factory.standalone that implement ObjectFactory
 class ConfigurableStandaloneContextAwareManagerFactory
 class DefaultStandaloneContextAwareManagerFactory
          WroManagerFactory instance used by the maven plugin.
 class StandaloneWroManagerFactory
          This factory will create a WroManager which is able to run itself outside of a webContainer.

Uses of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.model.factory

Subinterfaces of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.model.factory
 interface WroModelFactory
          Creates a WroModel object.

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.model.factory that implement ObjectFactory
 class AbstractWroModelFactory
          To be used by the implementations which load the model from a resource provided as stream.
 class ConfigurableModelFactory
 class DefaultWroModelFactoryDecorator
          Decorates the model factory with callback registry calls & other useful factories.
 class FallbackAwareWroModelFactory
          An XmlModelFactory that handles the situation when the wro model cannot be loaded at some point (resource cannot be located or the model is invalid).
 class LazyWroModelFactoryDecorator
          Responsible for lazy initialization of WroModelFactory.
 class ModelTransformerFactory
          Applies transformation using supplied transformers to the decorated model.
 class WroModelFactoryDecorator
          Decorates a WroModelFactory.
 class XmlModelFactory
          Model factory implementation.

Uses of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.impl

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.processor.impl with parameters of type ObjectFactory
 PlaceholderProcessor PlaceholderProcessor.setPropertiesFactory(ObjectFactory<Properties> propertiesFactory)

Uses of ObjectFactory in ro.isdc.wro.util

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.util that return ObjectFactory
<T> ObjectFactory<T>
WroUtil.simpleObjectFactory(T object)

Methods in ro.isdc.wro.util with parameters of type ObjectFactory
<T> T
ProxyFactory.proxy(ObjectFactory<T> objectFactory, Class<T> genericType)

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