
Interface Summary
NamingStrategy Used to version a resource name somehow.
NamingStrategyProvider A service provider responsible for providing new implementations of NamingStrategy.

Class Summary
ConfigurableNamingStrategy Uses the NamingStrategy implementation associated with an alias read from properties file.
DefaultHashEncoderNamingStrategy Encodes the hash into the folder where the resources is located.
DefaultNamingStrategyProvider Default implementation of NamingStrategyProvider providing all NamingStrategy implementations from core module.
FolderHashEncoderNamingStrategy Encodes the hash into the folder where the resources is located.
HashEncoderNamingStrategy Deprecated. prefer Using DefaultHashEncoderNamingStrategy.
NoOpNamingStrategy The simplest implementation of NamingStrategy which preserve the original name.
TimestampNamingStrategy This naming strategy append a timestamp to the name of the file.

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