Package ro.isdc.wro.model.resource.locator.wildcard

Interface Summary
WildcardExpanderHandlerAware Classes implementing this interface will be able to get a WildcardExpanderHandler, which is an interface capable of doing something with the files associated with one wildcard resource element.
WildcardStreamLocator Defines the way resources containing wildcard characters are located.

Class Summary
DefaultWildcardStreamLocator Default implementation of WildcardStreamLocator.
JarWildcardStreamLocator Resolves classpath resources looking for wildcard patterns in both file system and in JAR files.
WildcardContext Defines a wildcard context based on provided resource uri and the folder representing the starting point of the search for the resources.
WildcardUriLocatorSupport An UriLocator which knows how to handle wildcards and provides WildcardStreamLocator implementation.

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