Uses of Interface

Packages that use WroConfigurationChangeListener

Uses of WroConfigurationChangeListener in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.manager

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.manager that implement WroConfigurationChangeListener
 class ExtensionsConfigurableWroManagerFactory
          Deprecated. Use ConfigurableWroManagerFactory instead.

Uses of WroConfigurationChangeListener in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.manager.standalone

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.extensions.manager.standalone that implement WroConfigurationChangeListener
 class ExtensionsStandaloneManagerFactory
          This factory uses the SmartWroModelFactory and it is recommended to be used as the default one when possible.
 class FingerprintAwareStandaloneManagerFactory
          An implementation of WroModelFactory which uses HashEncoderNamingStrategy for encoding the result file name.
 class GoogleAdvancedStandaloneManagerFactory
          A factory using google closure compressor with advanced compilation level for processing resources.
 class GoogleStandaloneManagerFactory
          A factory using google closure compressor for processing resources.

Uses of WroConfigurationChangeListener in ro.isdc.wro.manager

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.manager that implement WroConfigurationChangeListener
 class WroManager
          Contains all the factories used by optimizer in order to perform the logic.

Uses of WroConfigurationChangeListener in ro.isdc.wro.manager.factory

Subinterfaces of WroConfigurationChangeListener in ro.isdc.wro.manager.factory
 interface WroManagerFactory
          Factory used to create WroManager objects.

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.manager.factory that implement WroConfigurationChangeListener
 class BaseWroManagerFactory
          Default implementation of WroManagerFactory which creates default locators and processors and handles the injection logic by creating an Injector and injecting where it is appropriate.
 class ConfigurableWroManagerFactory
          Allow configuring uriLocators & processors to add using initParams of the filter.
 class DefaultWroManagerFactory
          Load the WroManagerFactory configured in WroConfiguration or loads a default one if none is configured.
 class InjectableWroManagerFactoryDecorator
          Deprecated. Not required anymore. The WroManager objects are injected in WroManager.Builder during initialization. This class with be removed in 1.7.0.
 class NoProcessorsWroManagerFactory
          An implementation with no processors set.
 class SimpleWroManagerFactory
          Always returns the same instance of WroManager.
 class WroManagerFactoryDecorator
          Simple decorator for WroManagerFactory.

Uses of WroConfigurationChangeListener in ro.isdc.wro.manager.factory.standalone

Classes in ro.isdc.wro.manager.factory.standalone that implement WroConfigurationChangeListener
 class ConfigurableStandaloneContextAwareManagerFactory
 class DefaultStandaloneContextAwareManagerFactory
          WroManagerFactory instance used by the maven plugin.
 class StandaloneWroManagerFactory
          This factory will create a WroManager which is able to run itself outside of a webContainer.

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