Deploying application with GAE

Alex Objelean bio photo By Alex Objelean Comment

This page describes how to create an application and deploy it to Google App Engine

Create the project

Use maven archetype to create the project. Run the following

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=net.kindleit -DarchetypeArtifactId=gae-archetype-wicket -DarchetypeVersion=0.9.0 -DgroupId=com.myproject -DartifactId=myproject

The above line will generate a basic wicket project infrustructure. You will probably will like to update its dependencies to latest versions if you want to be up to date.

Running the application

If this is the first time you generate the project using gae maven plugin, you have to unzip gae distribution using the following command:

mvn gae:unzip

In order to start the application locally run:

mvn gae:run

Deploying application

First of all, create the application on appengine page. You can do that on .

Before deploying the application, update the WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml file containing the name of the appengine application. To deploy the application run:

mvn gae:deploy

You’ll be asked to provide your email and password. After several seconds, the application will be ready on the following address: , where myApp is the name of your app.

Congratulations, you have a new site!

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